Chapter Text
Telemachus has been setting himself up all day for this… well since everything happened… he just… he’s never gone to his mother about something like this…
He steps inside the room, and stares at his mother weaving. “Mom…”
“Your voice is hoarse… are you okay, dear?” Her attention immediately snaps towards her son.
“I… wanted to be the first to…” He fidgets, trying to figure out how to make it very clear that he’s feeling guilty, and upset, and frustrated. “My sister.” He makes sure to call you his sister. He makes sure it is clear and forward. “I… I’m worried about my sister.” He spits the words out. Does she really have favorites? His mother? Sure he’s heard about the maids situation but… but there was a reason for that… she feels horrible it happens… but she wouldn’t let her daughter be in so much just to serve a purpose, right? Right?
“Did you hear something from a maid?” She pauses, careful with her approach. She has yet to forgive the woman for biting at the fingers that picked her up from a fate far worse than death.
Telemachus nods. “I went to see her.”
“You…” Penelope stares at her son, the determination in his eyes. “So you did.” She stands from her loom to walk towards the window. “So then… how is she?”
“Miserable.” Telemachus stares at the floor.
“Is she… How so?” There is concern in her voice, but it quickly dissipates. She hurt her son, made her son cry… the woman went behind her back and messed with the man who caused her boy so much pain. She doesn’t care that he’s also wronged her, just that her child was hurt over and over by this suitor.
Telemachus fidgets… “She… um she was… um well, she was… pregnant.” He stumbles.
“Was?” Penelope stares at her son, looking for further explanation.
“She wasn’t eating enough… her personal maid, the one I kept asking for updates from, says it’s likely from the stress, malnutrition but she’s not sure that even if she was in perfect condition, she would have carried to term… whatever that means- mom!” He grabs her arms before her knees can buckle beneath her.
“Is she okay? Is y/n okay?” That can kill… miscarriages can kill… not to mention the mental distress that could cause. To lose a child, she could never imagine the pain.
“We talked… she’s, well, not okay but… hanging in there.” he leaves out the bit where you choked him. She doesn’t need to know about that. “I mean, she’s physically fine… weak, but I was told she’ll be able to get out of bed in a few days. They said somebody would come talk to you later, but I wanted to be the one to tell you.” because he shouldn’t have gone to her about Antinous and his sister in the first place.
It wasn’t like she was plotting murder or a coup… she was just in love and spending time with the man she loves… she wasn’t disregarding his pain… she was working around it, aware of the pain but utterly in love and unable to leave Antinous.
“I… I think we should give them a chance.” Telemachus blurts out the words.
Penelope stares before she sighs. “If that is what you want.” She never can say no to him… it’s hard not to give in. Her son is all she has of her husband right now.
“Also… I think you should talk to her… You’re my mom but… she’s my sister and… and I… I don’t like seeing her sad. Family dinner in your room?” Is he asking or demanding it? He can’t really tell.
“You reminded me a lot of your father right there.” She smiles and nods. “We can have dinner as a family when she is cleared of bedrest… if you would like.”
Telemachus nods… great… That’s done now for him to risk his neck!
The suitors halls are a buzz of loud shouts and play fighting. He’s almost relieved not to see Antinous amongst the others. It’s pretty late in the day, so he might be in the room that he took over. He drags his feet, puffing up his chest and practicing confidence so he doesn’t flinch back. He knocks on the man’s door.
He doesn’t even get to announce himself before he gets whacked in the face by the door slamming open. “I said I was…. Oh? The prince?” Antinous starts out sounding like he’s about to murder somebody but ends with a mocking sound to his voice, that does still sound like he’ll murder someone. “I thought you were hiding your tail tucked in your legs.” the taller male leans against the doorframe.
“I… look, I’m taking this fast, okay? I don’t want to fight. My sister… I told her I would get you to her… just this once and… for doing this, you have to stay away from my mother and me.” He swallows, trying his best at a glare.
The suitor raises a brow. “I’d punch you, but it seems you got quite the nasty beat down already. Those my Little Foxe’s hands on your throat? She choke you out?” He’s upset he missed that. To see the princess so livid… to see you lose it at the prince none-the-less… he licks his lips.
“Shut up… we have a deal?” Telemachus hisses through his teeth.
“You’d be more intimidating if you weren’t shaking in your boots, little wolf.” Antinous sneers, but makes a move to follow the prince.
It’s silent the entire way, which is unlike Antinous, but Telemachus is thankful for it… thankful his mouth is shut, that he’s keeping his hands to himself.
It’s a bit of a struggle to get him close to your hall, but when they are past the guards, Telemachus pauses. “If… you make her cry, I’ll stab you.”
“Ha, is that a threat, little wolf?” Antinous holds his head high. “You can hardly land a punch. What makes you think you’d have a single chance of landing a hit like that? You’re lucky I haven’t killed you.”
“Shut up… you’re a brute… a horrible person… you don’t deserve my sister. You… She might be asleep when we go inside. If she is, let her rest… you can sit there all you want… I… whatever underhanded methods you used to get this far with my sister won’t last. I’m… I’m warning you. If you dismiss her feelings… or take out whatever anger issues and messed up shit about you there is on her, I will make sure you hurt.” It takes a lot… and he means a lot of courage to speak like this to Antinous.
“The little wolf grew a spine.” Antinous spits, stepping into the room.
You don’t look up busy talking to the maid he’s been giving his poor attempts at communicating with… he’s too proud to admit that he had to rewrite them over and over so they would be legible… he doubts any of the spelling is right either but it’s the thought right? Ares is a bloodthirsty warrior and if a god of war can have a soft spot for his lover, then so can he.
“Oh, but this one means to be loved… oh, but this one is neutral… I do like that one, though.” Saiya points to a bunch of tiny strips of paper on the bed.
“Hm, but what about this one… it means warrior…” You blink away another tear and groan, face planting into a pillow.
“Uh-uh, what did we say about holding in the tears?” The maid huffs, pulling away the pillow. “I’m sure Telemachus will be here soon to lend his shoulder again.”
At the mention of his name, the prince clears his throat. “I brought-”
And cue the hysterics. Telemachus flinches… However to his surprise Antinous doesn’t turn to ask him what he did to make you cry… he’s instead racing to you… reaching to pick you up before the maid shakes her head. “Why are you… you don’t cry… so why are you… what happened… Little fox…”
“Please don’t get mad…” He swallows… tough ask… a really hard ask. He has a bad temper… a very poor temper. He nods though… he can try. “I was pregnant. Like very much pregnant. The mood swings, the irritability. We think I was at least two months in, possibly closer to three.”
Was… the word haunts him. He’s on his knees by your bed in a split second. Fuck… “You… were pregnant… were?” As the tears get worse, he grabs your hand and pulls you to him. “Was it lost because of this?” He grits his teeth.
“It’s a possibility, but after examination the common thought is that I would have lost the child even if I had been the healthiest I’d been in all my life. I… already choked him out. Don’t… Please don’t hit him.” You put a hand on your lover’s cheek and she sighs.
“Just one smack…” You playfully smack him on the head for suggesting it.
“You beat him to the brink of death already.” He raises a brow. You knew about that?
He sighs, laying his head on your lap. You play with his hair “gods, I fucking missed you.” He grumbles.
“Oh trust me, I could tell… by the way, I am going to teach you how to write at some point. Barbaric much?” Antinous rolls his eyes.
“Watch it, little fox. I’m keeping myself down because of what happened… but I still have a very short fuse.” He snarls, jesting you more than threatening.
You hum spinning curls around your fingers. “I love you…” you smile.
“Fuck, don’t get all sappy on me hun… it’s weird.” he doesn’t say the words but you can hear it in his voice, see it in the reflection of his eyes.
Telemachus is trying to figure out if this is actually Antinous… like… this isn’t a twin or doppelganger, right? He’s just… Antinous… not… well, being a complete ass? Also, he was writing to you? When and how? What the fuck?
“Keep staring and I’ll poke out your eyes kid.” Yeah nevermind, still an ass just not to you… it really is a beauty tamed the beast situation…
He snorts when you whack Antinous hard over the head. “No, you won’t. If you want that dick in one piece, you’ll start leaving him alone here on out. Okay?”
Antinous grumbles and then scoffs. “Like you’d be able to bring yourself to do such a thing…” he rolls his eyes.
You grab a fist full of his hair and pull him up to your eyes. “Antinous.” you glare.
“Fucking witch… fine… so long as he doesn’t tick me off. Fair enough?” He snaps and you let go of his hair. He turns back to the prince and flips him off. He turns back to you and stands so he can sit on the bed. He pecks your lips and then caresses your cheek with his thumb. “I’m guessing the hag is still ticked off?”
Telemachus narrows his eyes. “Don’t call her that… and no, my mother… well, maybe still a little upset, but we can have a family dinner as soon as my sister is out of bed and ready.”
It’s been a while since you had a family dinner… it will be awkward but.. It will have to do. You certainly spoke out of line… even if you hadn’t meant to, you overstepped and said things that shouldn’t have left your mouth. She’s still a queen. “Sounds, uh, fun,” you huff, leaning your head on Antinous’ shoulder. He sighs but doesn’t push you away even if he hates displays of affection in public places where others are watching.
“I’m sorry, it was all I could think of at the time.” he rubs the back of his neck.
“It’s fine Telemachus… really, it’s fine. It might be good, no I know it will be a good thing for us. Plus, with you there, it won’t be so awkward. Maybe I can sort things out with her and she’ll listen.” You smile and Telemachus nods.
“I’m… gonna leave and let you two… catch up. I… I’m still getting used to the idea…” Telemachus fidgets a little. You nod and wave…
You spend all day going over ways to honor the child you lost… you fall asleep in his arms and, for the first time in ages, you feel comforted enough to rest deeply. You really did miss him.